How long has it been since you’ve woken up in the morning really looking forward to the working day ahead?
If that happened today, congratulations, maybe you would like to share your experience with us!
For most people though this hasn’t happened for a while…
It’s the economic downturn, it’s the taxes, it’s the clients that don’t pay, the problems with financing the business… they’ve let themselves go into ‘crisis mode’ and they ‘manage’ as best they can!
The thing is that what you focus on expands and if you’ve grown accustomed to thinking about all the problems you have to solve, your problems will seem bigger and bigger even if that is not exactly true! On the other hand, if you were to focus on the solutions and started finding a solution for each problem instead of a problem for each solution things would get better and better.
We all pick up bad habits. I tend to get lost in trying to learn more about every subject that interests me and end up wasting precious time. Since failing to meet deadlines (even the ones I set for myself) is not an option, I end up not going for my daily walk or regular swim, plus I end up going to bed late each night. As a result I feel less energized and less productive, which only adds to the problem…
So I decided to get out of this loop, focus on my priorities and take better care of myself.
And what about you?
Which bad habit can you start releasing today?
If we vouch to release one bad habit per month and replace it with another that serves us (it takes at least 21 consecutive days to do it) can you imagine the possibilities?
What would our lives look like in 3 months, 6 months, a year?
I am definitely going to do it and I’m certain that the results will be amazing!
I’ll be less stressed, I’ll spend more time with my family and will feel much better!
And my business will benefit from having someone sharper to think strategically, plan the next steps and acting accordingly instead of reacting to the events.
Remember, if you are not moving forward, you are going backwards and if you are not taking action according to your plan you are following somebody else’s plan or even worse you are just drifting!
Just do it!