I’m coming to the end of writing my book, Stunted Growth, and it has taken longer and required far more persistence than I imagined.
The idea came in a flash – 100 reasons why your business isn’t growing. An easy to read book to provoke thought about how things can be improved and sustainable growth achieved.
Then came the hard work, writing 400 to 600 words for each of the hundred reasons.
Not being an experienced writer I had no idea how difficult it can be to write in a consistent engaging style without getting too technical or waffling.
I had planned to get it written in 6 months, however the first draft took nearly a year.
Then came the review and not one of the 100 reasons survived as first written, with some being cut completely.
I got carried away and couldn’t see the forest because of the trees.
I needed to think more about my readers, or better still get in their shoes, think like a small business owner with too much to do and not enough resources. Then I could serve them best!
A lot of time also went into studying marketing strategies and different ways to launch the book. A very tricky area, where many thousands (in any currency – dollars, euros or pounds) can be ‘invested’ without any guarantees of getting the money back.
Now, after another year, the final phase of editing is in process.
The journey is in itself a lesson – for me and for others…
You must meet your Clients where they are, provide value in a way they can see a clear path to success and then support them in their own journey.
The biggest lesson is to be prepared to start again, to course correct as many times as needed, but never to give up!
If one person reads it and gets their business to grow, then my persistence will have paid off!